goodnight for the mornings
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
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assignments. exams. hence, survey. :)

What is the most unique thing about you?
uh. im not sure. :/

Has anyone ever asked you if you were retarded?
like literal?

Where do you spend the majority of your time?
school. home. school. school.

What is your favorite name for a girl?

Favorite name for a boy? Anthony. LOLSIMONE.

How many texts have you sent/received today? none. -forever alone-

What kind of car do you have?

Who has been the most influential person in your life?

If you could buy anything, what would it be?
im nto quite sure.

Who do you spend the most time with?
myslef. i like it like that way.

What show on TV do you always turn off?
oprah. sorry.

What cell phone are you dying to have?

Why do you take these surveys?

Who do you really miss?
alots of people.

Do you wish you could be a kid again?
very muchly.

Tell me about the best job you ever had?

Do you lick your plate when you’re finished eating?

Who has disappointed you most in your life?

Could you live without cheese?
probably not. HA.

If I looked on the bed next to you, what would I find?
i am on my bed.

Do you go to the bathroom with the door open or closed?
uh. depends. LOL

Are your underwear and socks folded in your drawer or just thrown in?
folded, thrown in.

Sleep on your back or stomach?

Are you a cuddler?

Something that happened today that made you angry?
alot of things.

Do you sing?

Do you talk about your feelings or hide them?
most of them time, hide them.

Is there something you regret and wish you could take back?

Last argument you got into with?

Do you tend to rip the paper off water bottles? sometimes.

one good thing about your best friend?

How long does it take for you to fall asleep at night?

If you were given the chance to take care of a monkey for a weekend, would you?
not really.

What is the current advertisement on the side of the screen?

It’s Wednesday afternoon, where are you usually?

Honestly, if you could have ANYONE in the world, who would it be?
not sure, really. :\

If you could move away, no questions asked, where would you move?

How much do looks matter to you in a guy/girl?
4:6 to personality.

What’s the greatest thing that happened to you today?

How many TRUE best friends do you have?

What’s the best feeling in the world?
feeling happy, most people say sex. but feeling happy is alright for me. HA.

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naughty !
- entered on the 25th of April, 1996.
- asian ; malay&hk, born newzealand.
- & is currently living in australia.
- loves friends & family.



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