Tuesday, October 19, 2010
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no extensions, legit. :)

oh sorry, wrong one. >_>

goodnight, goodnight.

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i got heaps of compliments today about my hair and how i cut it and if i cut it and when i cut it and if i was lying or not. just to make things clear, im sorry if you think im lying. sorry for you. :/
ANYWAY, todaaaaay, was a stressful, yet good day. i had to hand in my Maths assignment, take my Applied Science exam (which i know im going to fail at) and my English Written Unseen exam (which i sort of have a good feeling about). ALSO. after school, i was at my school's cafe (I KNOW RIGHT, CAFE!? ALSKJFLAKSJF) and i was happily chatting with mah fwendz and suddenly i hear 'YHOAR MAH CUBBEH CAKE GUMB DWOPZ, SNOOGEMZ BOOGEMZ...' and i reached out my phone just to find A TEXT MESSAGE from tricia.. and when i opened it i read it out loud saying, 'ZOE ZOE ZOE. GUESS WHAT? WE ARE PERFORMING ON THURSDAY! :)' i sort of froze after i read it.. because i wasn't sure what she meant..but then i realised that it was for THE TALENT QUEST! and then, i looked up and screamed with everyone. hugs and kisses everywhere. :D
then whilst walking home, i called mummay and dadday and told them the goods. they were like, 'OOOOOOOOO AUSTWAYRIAH IDOHLLLL.' O_O
so yeah, finding out about talent quest was the highlight of my day.. when i got home, my sister was like, 'IM BORED, LETS TAKE PHOTOS.' D:
she forced me to dress up, smile and pose against the fence. :(

cut the crap.
Monday, October 18, 2010
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im currently procrastinating.. so might as well blog too. i have a 2 exams and an assignment due tmr, which i havent even studied for .. but i've already done the assignment. i'll probably start studying after this. :/
yesterday.. i was at a friends house.. and i was thinking about cutting my hair. short. because, i've never really cut it like a bob or like short as.. and i might as well do it now because if i wait till im older, i won't be able to have long hair or the formal. i know it seems ages away.. but hair is pretty hard to grow, bro. and i also didn't know if it would look okay or not.. and how i was going to manage. (i cut my hair myself.. because i hate spending money on things i could "easily" learn or do myself.) also, my hair is quite thick, so i was much worried. anyway, i got to the point where my pass-boob length hair was tucked in my shirt and out of desperation, i was asking everyone if it looked okay. then eventually after a vote (majority wins) of approval, i decided to cut it. at their house. -facepalm-
which was a stupid idea, now i think of it.. but I WAS SO EXCITED after making the decision. and i had to do it right away. idiot. because, in the end.. i sorta liked it.. but not like it enough and i also made a mess. LOL ! it was about below shoulder length and it wasn't really comfortable to be honest. but, i couldn't cut it anymore after i was done, cause i had to go home. then, when i got home, i started cutting it a bit shorter. and layering it too. i liked it a bit.. but still wasnt enough. but by this time, it was about 1am. so i had a shower and went to sleep. when i woke up today, i forgot that i cut my hair.. so when i looked in the mirror.. i was sorta like, "D: ! AKFSASKJFKJ." then, "oh. :" HAHA. i then rinsed my hair, because iw as goign to cut it again. HAW HAW HAW. after the third round of snipping, my hair came about just a bit shorter than before. idno, okay.. im a perfectionist. at times. then i ahd a shower and headed off to TRICIA's house. we guitar jammed and watched a singaporean movie. i love singmovies! they're always so hilarious. :)
oh and.. TRICIA'S PUPPY, COOPER IS THE CUTEST DOG EVER. OMG. ALFSKJLFJKSJF. i literally pissed myself when i saw that dog. SO FLUFFAY. *0^%79*&56%&213^4$^214$1. untill it pissed on the floor. :
HAHAH, well, yeah, after i got back from tricias, i cut my hair again. LOL. shorter.. so now it's up to my shoulders.. im happy now. oh, and it's also layered like hell. 8)
oh, before and after pictures?



and now it's time to study. loljk, lets party.

an extra.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
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What’s on your mind right now?
english grammar exam. :(

What are you doing right now?
studying, and procrastinating.

What did you do today?
went to school. came back and i don't remember anymore.

Do you think you are attractive?

Have you done something bad today?
um. yes. -blows hair-

Honestly, are you jealous of someone right now?
i can't help it. :/

What makes you happy most of the time?
getting air, taking a breather or just being alone for a while.

What is your mood right now?
annoyed and fustrated.

Do you hate someone right now?

Does anyone like you?
am i meant to know? :/

What happened at 3:00pm today?

How are you?

What do you hear right now?

Do you have a lot on your mind at the moment?

What colour is the wallclosest to you?

Do you toss and turn for hours at night or do you fall straight asleep?

Do you plan on sleeping in tomorrow?
i would love to, but unfortunately i have school.

Who was the last person you slept in a bed with?
no one. -forever alone-

Have you ever been completely alone with a girl in her room?
oh yeah. ;)

When you sleep on your bed, is stuff usually on It?

Are you happy right now?
um. i don't know.

Where did you last wear sunglasses?
i can't remember. too long. :'(

Is anything bugging you right now?
exams. :(

Will you be up before 7 am tomorrow?
no. even if i have school. LMAO.

How many pairs of shoes do you own?
why don't you count them for me? (A)

Do you like your life as of right now?
no. :/

Will tomorrow be better than today?

You’re at the doctors and they tell you you are pregnant. First reaction?

Have you ever kissed anybodywhose name starts with a A,J,C,K,M?
no. ._____.

Ready to get really deep now?
That's what she said.

How’s your relationship between yourself and your parents?
what relationship? :/

Have you ever been completely alone with a boy in his room?
all fun and games.

Do you think you will be in a relationship three months from now?
no. o-0

If your parents searched your room, would they be mad at what they’d find?

Anything crazy happen this week?
narh. :/

If you could describe your day in one word?

Are you happier now or three months ago?
i don't remember.

What would you do if you found a suitcase with a million dollars in it?
spend it, save it, give it.

If you could erase someone from your life who would it be and why?

Are your parents too involved in your life, or do you feel forgotten?
lol, parents. um. i don't know. it's not like i don't care.. its just.. yeah. :/

Have you ever wished you could just move away and start over?

Have you ever been on probation or arrested? If so, what for?

Do you think that without drama and problems your life would be boring?
mm. at times.

Any drama in your life now? If so what?
i'd rather not publish.

Have you ever thought you were or actually BEEN pregnant?
LOL, DEFS. loljks.

If you could, would you go back and change the way things ended w/ someone?
yeah, i guess. but better in time i guess.

Can you manipulate someone into getting what you want?

Are you one of those people who hate crying in front of others?
yeah. my face ends up like Yoda.

Do you think you can last for an hour without talking?

Are you in a good mood?

When was the last time you took medicine?
a day ago.

Plans for tomorrow?
study english, pack for melbourne.

What are you doing after this?
try to get back to studying. :/

Are you in a complicated relationship?

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HEYYHO ! Today i'm going to list some of the things i like..
i probably won't be able to cover them all but.. yeah.
- the colour pink, grey, black and white.
- flat coke, or any other fizzy drink. except flat. LOL
- fat kids. but not just any ordinary fat kid.. short ones. and they also have to be asian. and cute.
- posts cards. i collect them and stick them to my wall in my room.
- phone food. like, phone toys or dangly things.
- holidays. like.. nojk.
- late nights outside. mainly because it's dark.
- cats. kittens.
- original doritos. just plain ordinary corn chips satisfies my needs.
- glow in the dark things. any glow in the dark thing.
- oreos. wait, no. just the chocolate biscuit of the oreos.
- sony ericsson phones. they are literally gold.
- good cameras. that look like crap.
- kleenex tissues. honestly, they feel good, look good.. and are better then cheap, rough tissues from coles. it's worth the buy. especially when i have hay fever 10349203894092384 times a year.
- waterproof watches. they amaze me.
- korean salted seaweed. it is gooooood.
- anklets. but hand made.
- white nail polish. love it.
- animal and cartoon pencil cases. even though many have killed much of my pencil cases.. by drawing penis' on my animals and making my princess' look possessed or evil. :(
- winning. i love to win.
- pointless things. they entertain me.
- rings, stretchers, piercings, vintage necklaces, leopard print hairbands.
- ice, snow, cold weather, wind, rain.
- leaves, especially brown ones.
- stickers. anything that sticks. i like.
- floral dresses.
- asian slippers.
- disney pajamas.
- rice. even plain rice with nothing. at all.
- craft memories. the things from preschool that i've made.. or when i was a tiney tot.
- cases. boxes. lids. i don't know why, okay.

i can't decide.
Friday, October 1, 2010
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alright. my holidays have been alright so far. i haven't dont THAT much. just a few little things here and there.. like having a mass sleepover with friends, iceksating and moovehs.
last week i slept over Audrey's house with James, Jasper, Josh, Mag, Tiffany, Jeanne and Charlene. it. wus. funz.
we watched date night, karate kid and toothfairy. boring movies but its probably cause there are pussehs that didn't rike the rock. of horror that is. we also played uno dare. which was uber funz. its a game where you play uno like normal.. but the person who wins.. gets to dare the 2 people that lose. you lose when the sum of all your normal cards (ones without trippeh stuffz) are added together and make the biggest digit against the people playing te game. so the 2 people with the biggest sum have to be dared to do something. first.. Josh and Tiffany were dared to hold each others hands and say 'you are so cute' to eachother and hug twice. lmao, so lame. yet so hilarious.
Then in the second round, i lost and i was dared to 'play fight' with James.. and the rules were who ever gets thrown on the floor first loses. i was determined. LOL. so as soon as everyone counted down and said GO i barged and tried to tackle.. i tried to get around him by pulling him and dragging him to the floor. but it was so fails. he picked my up and threw me on the ground. :(
then i got back up dacked him and kicked his balls. yay.

I also went iceskating with Jasmine, Gabriel and Sam. it was funz. in the end i couldn't skate cause i could feel 2 blisters forming on my inner ankles. and it hurt so bad it was like if i moved just once the blisters would squish and pop.. then all this watery gunk would splurt out. YAY.

AAAAAAND I WENT TO SEE EASY A. IT WAS SOOOOO GOOOOD. Gabriel's face in vthe fake sex scene was HILARIOUS ! he looked so worried and he was sinkined into his chair. LOL !

yeah, today was also my first day. and surprisingly it was good. i was pretty happy about it. its better then staying at home. but now im home. and i'm not happy. goodnight.

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naughty !
- entered on the 25th of April, 1996.
- asian ; malay&hk, born newzealand.
- & is currently living in australia.
- loves friends & family.



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