I START MY HOLIDAYS TMRW, even though we've had this weekend.. i don't really count the weekend as a holiday- because its part of the week. HAW.
well anyway, the last week of school has been quite good, despite all assessment and school drama. I don't know what im going to do in the holidays, i haven't really got anything planned, apart from a rough discussion of a sleepover and skating. oh, and maybe a maths assignment, since i know i'll probably won't finish it by the date and since i have more time during the break. i really feel like being active this holiday, especially when it is spring and sunny, but i also love love love the rain around this time.. because its not hot or cold and it feels good. i don't know, okay! this is just how i feel :)
anyway, i might update a bitmore tmrw, since this is a short post.. and i really can't be bothered typing. haha.
freeze frame.
alrighty. i hate my parents. they're so annoying. all i ask for is one simple thing, and i get a 2 hour lecture about some shit i don't even know about. what the hell? and they can talk for ages about me wasting my time. like, wtf, you're the one sitting here talking for a good hour wasting MY time. & we have at least 2 fights a week. not a good relationship. i don't even know if we have a relationship anymore. eurgh.
anyway, back to the happy stuff. not much happened this week, apart from major assignments and orals- if you know what i mean ;). HAHAHA. no. but my history oral sucked so bad. HAHA 'SUCKED SO BAD'. -okay, to the point: i got a C, C and C+, and i don't plan on telling my parents. i hate Geography and History. i don't even see the point of taking the subject. My parents and i had a fight about me not liking geography and history and me not caring about my grade for that particular subject. but since they're asian, every subject matters to them. WHY THE HELL AM I ASIAN. EVERYTHING PISSES ME OFFFFFF. ASFLKASJFLKAJ.
okay, i'm good. but, yeah. i don't intend to put any effort into history or geography anyway. i also had my english oral. which was even wooooooorse. I had to do an essay on analysing a movie and I was meant to have a time limit of 4-6minutes, including my film scene. I played my scene and i swear i only talked for 2 minutes and i had to get cut off. i didn't even get to my 2nd Paragraph. WTFFFFFF. MAJORMAJORMAJOR RAAAAGE. but i'm over it. i asked my teacher if i passed, and he said yeah. but honestly- i was aiming for more than just a pass. for my parents. fml.
In maths the other day, i was confused about a question, and i had to ask my teacher about a certain problem. we ended up arguing to the fact that she thought i was trying to change things about maths and all this other crap.. SO HILARIOUS. it got to the point where she started yelling, 'IT'S BEEN LIKE THIS FOR MILLIONS OF YEAAAARS, ZOE. YOU CAN'T CHANGEEE ANYYTHINGGGGG!' she also had a South afrikaan's accent, so adds on to the humor! i really think she hates me now. i think she has always hated me. :)
I have a business assignment due on friday, science assignment due next wednesday, a maths exam on next thursday and a history writing essay on next friday. AAAAAND , i also have to organise a skit for my church's MOONCAKE festival, which i have not even touched. must get going ! i'll keep blogging regulary too so i hope i'll make it though all this CRAAAP.